Some of the many benefits of both Qigong and Yoga:
"Align the body, mind and spirit, reduce stress, anxiety, trauma and other emotional imbalances, calm the nervous system, increase flexibility, balance and focus, strengthen the immune, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increase energy levels in the body, improve rest and sleep, find a path to peace and self-love."
Qigong, Yoga and Reflexology
Ongoing: Qigong Infused Yoga™ - Gentle and Perfect for Seniors!
This class is perfect for Seniors, health-challenged or anyone looking for a gentle class. All supplies are provided in studio. If on Zoom, please have a chair to sit on. Make sure you can see the ZOOM projection and preferably that I can see you. I will do my best to watch you, but not easy on ZOOM. Always, always take good care of yourself and listen to your body. If at anytime you feel uncomfortable or challenged, stop and do only what you are able to do. We also stand, but everything can be done on the chair.
Class includes both Qigong and Yoga: Breathing exercises both gentle and active to induce relaxation and release anxiety, frustration and built up energy, gentle warmup movements, self-massage with tapping and acupressure, balancing poses, sun salutations, yoga postures, Qigong movements and postures, final relaxation and meditation.
Every Wednesday, 1:30-2:30
in the studio and on ZOOM.
Please sign-up at Shakti Yoga & Living Arts
Drop-in or class cards. For first time attendees, I recommend 3 classes for $30.
Mana Lomi ® (Level 1)
The Mana Lomi® technique is based on Hawaiian concepts of working with the"mana" of the body, mind, and soul of an individual. According to Hawaiian Elders, Mana Lomi is ”Life-force of Lomi.” Lomi or Lomilomi describes a concept that involves the movement of energy. It is at the bone level that all memory is stored from past traumas, injuries or emotional links. Tapping into the bones allows the Mana Lomi practitioner to communicate on a soul level so healing can take place.
60 min $105
75 min $125
90 min $145Multiple Session Discounts Available