I teach Qigong Infused Yoga.™

There are many benefits of Qigong and Yoga and learn some Reflexology self-care too!


Class include Qigong and Yoga: Breathing exercises both gentle and active to induce relaxation and release anxiety, frustration and built up energy, gentle warmup movements, self-massage with tapping and acupressure, balancing poses, sun salutations, yoga postures, Qigong movements and postures, final relaxation and meditation.

Gentle Qigong Infused Yoga™

Every Wednesday, 1:30-2:30

Classes are in studio and on Zoom.

Sign-up: Shakti Yoga & Living Arts

This on-going weekly class is a gentle class. Perfect for seniors, health-challenged or anyone looking for a restorative gentle class. This class uses a chair which can be used the entire class, but we also stand. The class focuses on the 3 Treasures: Breath, Alignment and Mind focus. We learn acupoints, meridians and self-care techniques that can be done anytime. For those on Zoom, please have a stable chair without arms. A yoga mat is optional.

Qigong Infused Yoga™ Summer into Fall! The Harvest Series

4-Thursday Evenings 7-8:30 pm September 8-29

Classes are in studio and on Zoom

Sign-up: Shakti Yoga & Living Arts

This series focuses on the Earth element- late summer which is the time of the Spleen/Stomach in TCM-Traditional Chinese medicine. The  Earth is in the middle, so is our abdominal area, our core - a transforming and supportive area. It is important for all body systems to keep this middle strong. Focus is the middle area including our solar plexus (Manipura Chakra). What are you digesting? All levels supportive class. Please have mat, blankets, blocks for Zoom attendees.

Qigong Infused Yoga™ Fall into Winter! 2022- Let Go Series

Details coming

Qigong Infused Yoga™ Winter into Spring! 2023- Hibernate Series

Details coming.

Find your balance and focus; be more peaceful

Align your body, mind and spirit.

Slow your anxious mind and reduce stress.

Unlock your flexibility; strengthen your body systems.

Build and increase your Qi; with self-love and care.

Find your midline

Vinyasa with Natalie
90 min ·  Level 2

Cooling breath

Breathwork with Natalie
5 min ·  Level 1

Quiet your body

Restorative with Audrey
20 min ·  Level 1

Rooting down

Prenatal with Jaqui
60 min ·  Level 2

Make space for yourself.